Case Converter

💡Tips: Type the characters you want to convert in the text area above, and the converted results will be automatically generated below.

Lowercase to Uppercase

Lowercase to Uppercase is a function that converts all entered letters into uppercase letters. For example, lower to upper will be converted to LOWER TO UPPER

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Uppercase to Lowercase

Converting uppercase to lowercase is a function that converts all entered letters into lowercase letters. For example, UPPER TO LOWER will be converted to upper to lower

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Capitalize First Letter

Capitalizing the first letter is a function that converts the first letter of all input words into uppercase letters. For example, capitalize first character will be converted to Capitalize First Character

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Invert (swap) case

Invert (swap) case is a function that converts all input letters to upper and lower case. For example, invert OR swap CASE will be converted to INVERT or SWAP case

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